Saturday, September 18, 2010

My kids!!

I always listened to people tell me that I will never have 2 kids that are even remotely alike and I never really fully believed how true that statement would prove to be.

My son Hunter who is now 2 weeks away from 4 years old has always been a very laid back low maintenance kid. As an infant he was sleeping thru the night by 8 weeks old never cried unless something was horribly wrong with him; an all around cliche "easy baby." by 10 months old he decided that crawling wasn't for him (which he had only been doing for 2 weeks) and it became time to walk. Walking grew to running within weeks it was unreal. As he was getting better on his feet I started to worry more and more about things that he would climb and keeping things from enticing him to do so. However that time never came. He went from 12 mo to 18 mo and then to 2 years old without ever Having climbed so much as a dining table chair. He is now almost 4 and is a little more outgoing in things he does but still pretty low-key kid.

Macy is my almost 16 mo old sweet little girl. Now when she was born her birth was so much simpler than his and she was the same quiet happy easy and good sleeping baby. I remember at one time when she was about 3 weeks old looking at my husband and saying see we didn't get jinxed with a struggle of an infant after having such a good baby the first time! They stories weren't nearly true! By 6 months she was showing tendencies that I may have an early walker again. Sure enough 5 days before she was 10 months she was walking and running shortly thereafter. Again I was like wow these two kids are almost exactly the same I'm in good shape. Then one day she learned to climb the couch and it wasn't just to sit down and relax it was too get whatever it was that I hid from her where she couldn't reach. It wasn't long that I found her climbing baby gates and laughing hysterically when she was caught. And now I turn my back for 2 min and look back and she can be dancing on my dining table or hanging upside down from the back of the couch ready to fall any minute all while laughing hysterically. Interstingly enough I can't even say she learns this from her very active older brother bcuz he just stares at her in awe.

So future parents or parents of 1 and plannin to have more do not be fooled by the cool calm and collectiveness of your tiny infant that will cause no trouble as the sibling did because u are bound to jinx yourself by ever thinking of it

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