Okay and the following are the measurements:
Start / 30 days / 60 days
Weight - 115 / 112.5 / 111
Waist - 33" / 32" / 32"
Hips 34.5" / 34" / 33"
Rt Arm - 10.5" / 10.25" / 10.5"
Lft Arm - 10.25" / 10.25" / 10.5"
Rt. Thigh - 19.5" / 19.5" / 19"
Lft Thigh - 19.5" / 19.5" / 19"
Rt Calf 12" / 12" / 12"
Lft Calf - 12" / 12" / 12"
Body Fat % - 25.5% / 23.8% / 22.1%
I am totally happy with the results. Totally excited to see even that .25" added to my arms that means I AM getting biceps!!! I am the HAPPIEST to see the body fat % going down consistently each month. At this point - my main goal is 110 lbs and I am now only 1 pound away from that goal and I couldn't be happier. Toning, Lean, and muscle are my priorities!!!
So I cannot explain how excited I am to move on to Lean Phase. Everyone that has done a full round (or more) of ChaLEAN has said that they have seen the best results within this phase. I still cannot believe how quickly the time has gone by over the last 60 days. I am going to make sure that I add a HIIT at least 2 nights a week before my weights (here is the link to my YouTube video on when and how to incorporate HIIT & Strength Training http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uz7LRUJo3xU ). As well as doing a HIIT on Saturday when I do abs. I am going to change from Ab Burner to Extreme Abs and also get Core 20 in. I'm really going to push this Lean Circuit and I want to see the best results of all after this 30 day Circuit! Please join me in making forward progress in our fitness goals for the month of November and on from there!!! www.brittnaeg.com
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